Fucking shit

You look at the hen. Think what a fucking piece of shit it is and how crappy its fucking little head is. You think about it's (intentional grammer mistake, fuck the bread) fucking feathers that look so brown and nice, like a fucking big harpoon of fucking animals. (Yeah it's fucking riterded). Yeah it's fucking shit like all fucking shits in the whole fucking world of all shit and fucking shit with shit in their fucking shits. So fuck it all, fuck it fuck it fuck it all. It sucks all fucking bread like fucking potatoes so fuck the fucking shit like fucking shit on shit and more shit. Fuck it all.
Because fucking shit is shitty and it's fucking shitty like fat cunts with shit in them. Fucking shit is like that, I mean a he's fucking shitty old retarded cunt is shitty like fucking shit. OH SHIT the shit's fucking shit. Fuck all the fucking shit cos fucking shit is like that motherfucker fuck the fucking shit oh fuck it fuck the shit like fucking shit. It's shit. It's fucking shit.
So fuck the fucking shit COS IT'S SHIT and it's nice to fuck shit. Cunt filled with shit is like cunt filled with bollocks with shit in them and wanking in the hairy shitholes. So FUCK THE SHIT FUCK IT. Cos it's fucking cunt that wanks like shit wanks. Shit's like that, wankers are like that. They're fucking arsefaces with shit in them and have no fucking life outside of cunts with hairy fucking shit that wanks on torpedoes with fucking wankers in them.
This all goes back to the hen. It's a very nice hen that enjoys fucking shit (I know it's hard to believe but just fucking live with it as wankers like fucking tomatoes). The hen is fucking nice, it titillates your wank glands that are located in your fucking mouth. This makes you feel like a fucking good wanker and everyone else like a bloody loser. Bloody hell, you just said bloody. :D
oh fuck, you think, cos this is fucking dull to read, like any fucking article that's so fucking boring and wanks so much. I mean fucking shit like this is just ''sooooo'' fucking bloody wanking depressing to fucking read that you fucking wanna to fucking kill yourself so you don't fucking wanna see this fucking depressing shit any fucking more. Quite honestly, you're getting fucking sick of the whole ''fucking thing'' you just wanna suck a good cock that'll wank all over your fucking bread.
The hen. ''Fuck the hen.''